Trial Patients Speak

Hear from patients who participated in the I-SPY 2 clinical trial as they discuss their feelings about their breast cancer diagnoses, how and why they decided to participate in the I-SPY 2 trial, their experiences on the trial, and more.

As you watch, please remember that each patient’s situation, preferences and priorities are individual to them, just as their cancers are.

Alex (2:19)

  • Physician/mother diagnosed at 38
  • Searched for a clinical trial at an academic medical center
  • Impact of loss of hair on her child

Vidya (2:16)

  • Diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer
  • Has a young child
  • Initially skeptical of clinical trials
  • How I-SPY 2 is a different type of trial
  • Importance of clinical trials

Marcella (1:43)

  • Diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer
  • Invited to join I-SPY 2 Trial by her medical oncologist
  • Felt uncertainty about joining a clinical trial
  • Wants to help women of color learn about participation in research
  • Enjoyed easy access to study care team


  • Diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer
  • Had infant child
  • I-SPY 2 Trial offered her hope
  • Why she joined the trial
  • Her relationship with study care team
  • Liked having information/choice/control over treatment decisions

Yvonne (1:23)

  • Diagnosed with HER2 positive breast cancer
  • Invited to join the I-SPY 2 Trial
  • Why she decided to participate
  • Her close relationship with study care team

Jillia (1:31)

  • Had lots of questions for study care team
  • Appreciated possibility of a lumpectomy vs. mastectomy
  • Appreciated possibility of shorter chemotherapy regimen
  • Liked optional participation throughout the trial
  • Liked extra attention from study care team and extra information

Barri (1:44)

  • Diagnosed with Triple Negative breast cancer
  • How she decided to join I-SPY 2 Trial
  • Traveled 2-3 hours to participate
  • Study care team treated her as an individual
  • Highest quality medical care

Anne Marie (1:49)

  • Young mother with children
  • Reasons for participating in I-SPY 2 Trial
  • I-SPY 2 Trial guided her medical care instead of adding an extra burden
  • Pros of joining the trial outweighed any cons

Be sure to take a look at Frequently Asked Questions about the I-SPY 2 Trial to get answers to any questions you may still have.

Or you can contact your closest trial location to get your questions answered or express your interest in participating in the study. Visit Trial Locations.

Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaboration LogoThe I-SPY 2 Trial is sponsored by Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization integrating high-impact clinical research with patient care.

© 2023 Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative | Version 1.2 | All Rights Reserved.

Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaboration Logo


The I-SPY 2 Trial is sponsored by Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization integrating high-impact clinical research with patient care.

© 2023 Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative | Version 1.2 | All Rights Reserved.