About I-SPY 2

Welcome to the I-SPY 2 Trial website for patients

We hope the site will answer your questions about the I-SPY 2 Trial for breast cancer.

  • Please watch this 2-minute I-SPY 2 Trial introduction video to get a quick overview of the trial.
  • Then find all the information you need to decide whether you want to be screened to participate in the trial.
  • The National Cancer Institute’s electronic dictionary of common cancer terms is at the bottom of every page so you can look up words that are unfamiliar to you.

What is the I-SPY 2 Trial?

The I-SPY 2 Trial is an investigational drug trial for newly diagnosed patients with locally advanced breast cancer. An investigational drug has been approved for testing in people by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but has not yet been approved for widespread use. A clinical trial tests how well investigational drugs work and whether they are safe to use.

The I-SPY 2 Trial has three main phases: Screening, Treatment and Follow Up.

To find out more click on the arrow that describes your situation.

Click here if you enrolled in I-SPY 2 before June 23, 2022.

Click here if you enrolled in I-SPY 2 on or after June 23, 2022 or are interested in learning about the trial.

Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaboration LogoThe I-SPY 2 Trial is sponsored by Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization integrating high-impact clinical research with patient care.

© 2023 Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative | Version 1.2 | All Rights Reserved.

Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaboration Logo


The I-SPY 2 Trial is sponsored by Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization integrating high-impact clinical research with patient care.

© 2023 Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative | Version 1.2 | All Rights Reserved.