Tag Archives: Four Keys to Usable Navigation

Creating Usable Navigation

It is a sinking feeling when you have realize you were given wrong directions, made a wrong turn and are now lost. Now you are forced to turn around, backtrack and get yourself back on track. Add to the frustration the fact that this little “detour” has now made you over an hour late.

While not as traumatic as getting lost while driving, getting lost on a website is a daily occurrence for web users. When users feel lost on a website the navigation has failed.

Two (2) Critical Website Navigation Goals.

  • Provide your audience with a clear understanding of your website’s structure, its road map so to speak.
  • Enable your users to easily find the information they are seeking

Much like a map your website needs to provide an easy way for users to find their way around. Navigation tools need to be able clue the user into the way to navigate around a site and guide them to their destination.

Four (4) Keys to Usable Navigation

  • Start by making sure your navigation system is consistent across your site
  • Indicate to the user where they are so the user can establish a reference point
  • Show users where they can go
  • Let users know where they have been in case they have the need to retrace their steps

With an understanding of your website’s structure and a clear visible path to the content your users will have the confidence to continue moving towards their goal.