Category Archives: ecommerce

A Gift, an E-commerce Site and Bad Navigation

A recent online experience got me thinking more about how e-commerce sites really should focus in on what a usable site consists of.

A quick story.

Our middle son is having a birthday in a couple of weeks and my wife went online to order a gift he wanted (The Mystery Rock – an archeologist’s excavation kit). She knew what he wanted since he marked the item in the catalog. She had a couple of questions about whether he really wants, and if he’ll enjoy it, etc. so called me to get my opinion.

Mystery Rock View larger image

I proceed to go to the website and try to find the gift in question. Here is where it falls apart.

Upon arriving at the homepage I begin my hunt for a link that will take me to where I think I need to go. But in looking at the options I pause and begin to wonder where to go.

I’m presented with “Gifts by Age,” pretty straightforward but I skipped right over these, I had an idea what I was looking for. Instead, I went to “Toys by Category.”

Now, my mind begins running through the scenarios listed below:

  • Science Activities – archeology is science, but maybe this toy requires some more cognitive thought
  • Cognitive Play – hmm, pounding a rock, OK probably not here
  • Creative Activities – it definitely is a creative idea, but how much creativity is involved finding bones?
  • Outdoor Activities – I guess it could be messy, kids + dirt = mess

Image of the navigation that caused my confusionView larger image

Meanwhile, as I try to figure out what to click, my wife, who has already read me the entire description from the catalog is wondering what the heck I’m doing and wants an answer.

I decided to just search for the product number, which got me there quickly and I was able to answer my wife’s question (I believe she had already made the decision while I was having navigation woes).

Needless to say the navigation failed me. Had we not had the catalog the site may have failed me, in turn the site would have lost a sale.

As I’ve mentioned in another post e-commerce sites need to focus on usability.

Ecommerce Sites Need to Focus on Usability

Have you ever walked into a store and within minutes you knew the experience would be one that leads to frustration? A store where the aisles were cluttered and hard to walk through, items on the shelves were messy and there seemed to be a general lack of organization. But you stick it out because you need to get this one specific item and the thought of driving to another store is even more frustrating.

Now, imagine this experience happened to a customer online. They arrive at a site that is cluttered, not organized and hard to find anything what are the chances they are going to stick it out? Probably not likely.

The time invested is seconds of that of an in store experience. The customer can just click over to the next site and hope for one that is easier to use, better display the content or just a better experience overall.

When dealing with only seconds to make an impression website usability is a critical factor.

“Today’s online shopper is extremely web-savvy and expects more than ever, forcing retailers to raise the stakes.”

“Companies are investing in new features that will keep customers coming back, and homepages everywhere are getting a major facelift.”
Scott Silverman, executive director of

Forrester Research shows that consumers are more internet savvy than in the past and are more aware of all the choices afforded to them. Users are demanding a better user experience.

Ecommerce retailers are also becoming increasingly aware of this trend. The research shows that close to 90% of retailers are planning to improve their content pages, product detail pages and homepages.

The need to capture your customer within seconds is crucial in the success of your website. Seconds count. Look at your homepage with a critical eye making sure that it is simple to use and easy to understand. It may be you are one of the 90% of companies that needs to improve your ecommerce site.