Professionally Designed Websites Matter

Have you ever found yourself searching for something online and came across a site that just didn’t leave you with a good impression? You know the kind, hard navigate, not very visually pleasing, maybe be a bit shady looking. If you’ve ever found yourself in this situation did you stay on the site or leave only to continue your search?

More than likely you left and kept searching. A 2002 Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility study shows that people quickly evaluate a site by visual design alone.

Having a website is a reflection on your company. If your site looks horrible this will reflect onto your products and/or services, in turn visitors will assume that your products and/or services are horrible.

As the old adage goes, “You may never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” This is even more important with your website. The impression made on your visitors will greatly determine whether or not that visitor becomes a customer. Having a professionally designed website might mean the difference between just another visitor and a qualified lead.

Any designer can design a website. Finding a designer that understands how to align your business goals with usability best practices and design theory is where the true talent comes in.

Having a professionally designed website really does matter and is well worth the investment.